The top misconceptions people have about mortgage brokers, debunked

Jun 27, 2023

When it comes to buying a new home, many people turn to mortgage brokers to help them navigate the complex process of obtaining a mortgage. However, there are several misconceptions about mortgage brokers that can prevent people from seeking out their services. In this post, we’ll debunk some of the top misconceptions people have about mortgage brokers.

Misconception #1: Mortgage brokers are the same as loan officers

One of the biggest misconceptions about mortgage brokers is that they are the same as loan officers. While both roles involve helping people obtain mortgages, there is a key difference between the two. Loan officers work for a specific lender and can only offer their employer’s mortgage products. Mortgage brokers, on the other hand, work with multiple lenders and can offer a variety of mortgage products to their clients.

Misconception #2: Mortgage brokers are more expensive than going directly to a lender

Another common misconception about mortgage brokers is that they are more expensive than going directly to a lender. In reality, mortgage brokers can often help their clients find better deals than they would be able to find on their own. This is because mortgage brokers have access to a wide range of lenders and can compare multiple offers to find the best deal for their clients.

Misconception #3: Mortgage brokers only work with people who have perfect credit

Some people believe that mortgage brokers only work with people who have perfect credit scores. However, this is not the case. While having a good credit score can certainly help when it comes to obtaining a mortgage, mortgage brokers can work with clients who have a range of credit scores. In fact, mortgage brokers can often help people with less-than-perfect credit find mortgage products that they may not have been able to access on their own.

Misconception #4: Mortgage brokers only work with first-time homebuyers

Another misconception about mortgage brokers is that they only work with first-time homebuyers. While it’s true that many first-time homebuyers turn to mortgage brokers for help, mortgage brokers can work with anyone who is looking to obtain a mortgage. Whether you’re a first-time homebuyer or you’ve purchased multiple homes in the past, a mortgage broker can help you find the right mortgage product for your needs.

Misconception #5: Mortgage brokers only offer fixed-rate mortgages

Some people believe that mortgage brokers only offer fixed-rate mortgages. While fixed-rate mortgages are a popular option, mortgage brokers can help their clients obtain a variety of mortgage products, including adjustable-rate mortgages and hybrid mortgages. This allows clients to choose the mortgage product that best fits their financial situation and goals.

Misconception #6: Mortgage brokers make the mortgage process more complicated

Some people are hesitant to work with a mortgage broker because they believe that it will make the mortgage process more complicated. However, the opposite is often true. Mortgage brokers can help simplify the mortgage process by guiding their clients through each step and explaining any confusing terms or concepts. This can help clients feel more confident and informed throughout the process.

Misconception #7: Mortgage brokers only care about making a sale

Another misconception about mortgage brokers is that they only care about making a sale. While it’s true that mortgage brokers earn a commission on the mortgages they help their clients obtain, most mortgage brokers are committed to providing excellent service and helping their clients achieve their homeownership goals. This means that they will work hard to find the right mortgage product for their clients, even if it means recommending a product that doesn’t result in the highest commission.

Misconception #8: Mortgage brokers are only necessary for people who don’t have time to shop around for a mortgage

Finally, some people believe that mortgage brokers are only necessary for people who don’t have the time or inclination to shop around for a mortgage on their own. While mortgage brokers can certainly save their clients time and effort by doing the legwork for them, they can also offer valuable expertise and guidance throughout the mortgage process. This can help ensure that clients make informed decisions and obtain the best possible mortgage product for their needs.